A set consisting of sealing compound with crack-bridging fibers, a brush and reinforcing non-woven fabric. Perfect for immediately sealing roofs even in bad weather.
What roof paint works best depends on the type of covering in a given building. Are you going to paint the roof of galvanized sheet ? You've come to the right place! Our assortment includes paints for a galvanized roof . Steel sheet - as a demanding material - requires the use of specialized preparations because it is exposed to extreme temperatures. It heats up and cools alternately, which is not without significance for its structure - it shrinks and stretches, so to paint it should be used dedicated measures with flexibility and resistance to cracking and flaking.
We also offer felt paints - it is primarily exposed to leakage, so roof paint from this material must have sealing properties. We offer agents forming a waterproof membrane, working with the ground, which prevents the secondary formation of cracks and crevices. polyester nonwoven for roofs from felt . Among the available products you will also find PUR foam paints that will protect it from UV radiation and water.
Roof sealing and impregnation – check available solutions
Our offer also includes agents for preserving and extending the life of roofing. , impregnations for concrete roof tiles deserve special attention . They create a hydrophobic coating on the covered surface, thanks to which water molecules are repelled, preventing the accumulation of moisture and its destructive effect on the concrete. Are you planning to paint concrete roof tiles? You will certainly appreciate the properties of the products dedicated to them.
Professional paint for concrete tiles has a carefully composed composition, determining the impressive parameters of the coating. The homogeneous and perfectly concealing layer with a delicate, satin gloss looks very aesthetically pleasing.
If you want to reduce the roof temperature, put on coatings reflecting the sun , with which you will protect roofs covered with roofing felt, sheet metal, PUR foam or concrete flat roofs.
Roof repair and renovation products
In this category, there could be funds for local roof repair . Apply them if comprehensive renovation is impossible due to adverse weather conditions or a limited budget. With them you will stop leaks, thus preventing the destructive water and avoiding higher costs. Among the preparations for spot repair you will find sealing masses, bridge rubber gums, reinforcing nets and gutter and machining products.