RS-1 General Purpose Epoxy Thinner can be used to dilute epoxy products to make them suitable for application by brush, air spray, airless spray and other painting techniques, or to clean tools after application. Recommended for epoxy products, e.g. Feg-B , Feg-C .
RS-1 Thinner for general-purpose epoxy products - properties
- Colorless or at most slightly straw-colored liquid,
- Clear, homogeneous, without mechanical impurities,
- With a characteristic smell of organic solvents,
- The diluent is a harmful and highly flammable product, harmful through inhalation and in contact with the skin,
- Its composition contains xylenes, methyl isobutyl ketone, isobutanol,
- It has a PZH certificate - intended for diluting epoxy varnish products in order to adapt the viscosity to the method of application.
Application method
Add the diluent in small portions. Recommended diluent addition: 0 ÷ 10% by weight. the amount of diluted paint product. After thorough mixing, test the viscosity (flow time) of the diluted product to compare it with the requirements of the painting technique used.