Neodur® Fast Track SF SLi-15s WS - flooring system

Manufacturer: Neotex

Smooth, solvent-free flooring system with an abrasion-resistant aliphatic polyurea coating with high UV resistance for outdoor and indoor floors.

  • Qualified contractor
  • Manufacturing industry
  • Car repair shops
  • Multi-storey/multi-stall car parks
  • Storage and logistics
  • Commercial spaces
  • Car washes
  • Gas stations
  • Garage
  • Inside
  • Outside
  • Polyaspargine
  • UV resistance
  • Color
  • Gloss
  • Medium loads (MD)
  • Curing at low temperatures
  • Quick-setting
  • R9

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Neodur® Fast Track SF SLi-15s WS - flooring system

Neodur® Fast Track SF SLi-15s WS - flooring system

Smooth, solvent-free flooring system with an abrasion-resistant aliphatic polyurea coating with high UV resistance for outdoor and indoor floors.

System diagram:

1. Concrete base

2. Priming with Neopox® Primer WS

3. Leveling layer Neopox® Primer WS mixed with quartz sand

4. Neodur® Fast Track SF

The Neodur® Fast Track SF SLi-15s WS system is perfect for:

  • manufacturing industry
  • warehouses and logistics
  • parking spaces
  • car repair shops
  • car washes
  • gas stations
  • commercial/exhibition facilities


  • CE
  • UV resistance

Key features:

  • dry layer thickness: ~1.5 mm
  • for medium-duty floors
  • solvent-free - low odor
  • smooth glossy finish
  • excellent abrasion and scratch resistance
  • suitable for external use

Construction of the Neodur® Fast Track SF SLi-15s WS system and approximate consumption
Layer Product Wear


Neopox® Primer WS

200-300 g/ m 2 in one layer

Leveling layer

Neopox® Primer WS with quartz sand 0.1-0.3 mm (1:1.2 w/w)

1.2-1.4 kg/ m 2 mixture (0.55-0.65 kg/ m 2 resin + 0.65-0.75 kg/ m 2 quartz sand)

Closing layer

Neodur® Fast Track SF

~600 g/ m 2 in one layer, applied with a trowel or squeegee

*An alternative primer from Neotex can be used, after consultation with our Technical Advisor.

Neopox® Primer WS - epoxy primer for use on damp concrete floors (factories, laboratories, warehouses, supermarkets, garages, hospitals, schools, etc.). Also for strengthening cement substrates. Note - if the cause of substrate moisture is capillary action from the ground, then Neopox Primer AY .

Neodur® Fast Track SF - is a high-build, solvent-free floor coating. It can be used outdoors, but also without problems indoors, due to the lack of solvents in the composition and low odor ("SF" in the name from the English "solvent free"). Quick-drying and quick-setting, the entire system (base + two layers) can be applied within 9 hours (+25°C). It can be applied in one thick layer, thanks to which the application time can be shortened by another 4 hours!

Quartz sand - an addition to resins that gives the surface anti-slip properties. Often used as an additive to increase their strength and hardness. Available in various sizes.


Floors made in the Neodur® Fast Track system:


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Nominal thickness


Final appearance of the surface

Colorful, smooth, shiny

Gloss (60°): ≥83

User load

MD (medium load)

Abrasion resistance (ASTM D4060)

75 mg (Taber Test, CS 10/1000/1000)

Grip (EN 13892-8)

≥2.5 N/mm²

Impact resistance (EN ISO 6272)

≥4 Nm – IR4

Scratch resistance (sclerometric test)

10N (Elcometer 3092)

Compressive strength (EN 13892-2)

>35 MPa

Bending strength (EN 13892-2)

>20 MPa

Abrasion resistance BCA (ΕΝ 13892-4)

17 μm - AR0.5

Operating temperature range (dry load)

-20°C min. / +80°C max.

Technical Documentation

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