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Epoxol ® RM-YR is a two-component, solvent-free, transparent epoxy resin that does not contain fillers. Perfect for industrial and decorative floors filled with colored aggregate.
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+48 717 026 346
Epoxol ® RM-YR is a fully transparent epoxy resin. Designed for industrial and decorative floors based on colored quartz sand. Contains a mixture of pure epoxy resins and selected hardeners. It contains no solvents or fillers. Thanks to its low viscosity, it provides very good coverage and efficiency. Additionally, it penetrates the substrate and fills micro-cracks.
Epoxol ® RM-YR most important advantages:
In order to stabilize the substrate, seal pores and improve the adhesion of the next layer, it is recommended to use a primer. You can use Epoxol ® RM-YR as a primer and then apply subsequent layers or use an alternative ΝΕΟΤΕΧ ® , matched to the type and absorbency of the substrate.
If the substrate has any unevenness, it is recommended to use the so-called scratch coat, i.e. a leveling layer that will eliminate them. Thanks to this, the visual final effect will be much better. This solution uses Epoxol® Primer SF-P (or Epoxol ® RM-YR) epoxy resin mixed with quartz sand with a grain size of 0.1 - 0.3 mm (in a 1:1 ratio). Then the resulting mixture is poured over the floor and spread with a trowel to even the surface.
If it is planned to apply a system with a thickness greater than 1.5 mm, it is recommended to sprinkle the surface sparsely with quartz sand over the still wet primer. This procedure should be performed even more if the colored aggregate is to be filled 24 hours after the application of the primer. The recommended grain size of quartz sand is 0.1-0.3 mm. Theoretical sand consumption should be at the level of 0.3-0.5 kg/m2. Once dry, any loose grains should be removed with a high-powered vacuum cleaner.
Depending on the type of substrate, we recommend using an appropriate primer:
Mix both components (A and B) thoroughly in their containers. Then combine them in the appropriate proportion: 100A to 60B and mix again for 3 minutes with a low-speed mixer. Pay attention to thorough mixing at the bottom and sides of the package in order to distribute the hardener evenly. When mixing the ingredients both separately and after combining, remember not to aerate the mixture.
When using Epoxol ® RM-YR to seal colored sand, it can also be used as a primer. This is possible with concrete that is dry, clean and has a minimum class of C20/C25.
For a better final effect, we recommend using a scratch coat based on the solvent-free Epoxol ® Primer SF-P resin and fine quartz sand in a 1:1 ratio. Then, fill the still wet primer with colored quartz sand until the surface is fully covered (full saturation). After drying and initial hardening, excess sand that has not been bound by the resin should be removed, e.g. by vacuuming. The surface can be resealed using Epoxol ® RM-YR in one or two layers.
Theoretical consumption of Epoxol ® RM-YR as a primer:
a) 0.25-0.30 kg/m2 in one layer when applied with a roller.
b) 0.40-0.50 kg/m2 in one layer, applying with a trowel or squeegee.
Theoretical consumption of Epoxol® RM-YR as a sealing layer: 0.40-0.50 kg/m2 in 1-2 layers.
Application of Epoxol ® RM-YR in the Epoxol ® QB Clear C-15r
After the primer dries, it is recommended to apply an intermediate layer made with Epoxol ® Floor in a color version similar to the color of quartz sand, which will be applied at a consumption of 250-300 g/m 2 in one layer applied with a roller, or Epoxol ® RM-YR in an amount of 500 g/m2 in one layer applied, e.g. with a squeegee in the case of the transparent version. Then, the wet intermediate layer is covered with colored quartz sand with an estimated consumption of Epoxol ® RM-YR with a consumption of 400-500 g/m 2 in 1-2 layers.
For this purpose, components A and B should be mixed in the established ratio (10A: 6B by weight) and mix mechanically for approx. 3 minutes using a low-speed mixer. It is important to thoroughly mix the bottom of the container as well as its sides so that the hardener (component B) is evenly distributed. Epoxol ® RM-YR is applied as a closing layer by pouring the prepared mixture onto the floor and spreading it with a squeegee.
Do you have any questions? We will help you choose the perfect product to use.
+48 717 026 346
As a primer:
- 0.25-0.30 kg/m 2 in one layer when applied with a roller.
- 0.40-0.50 kg/m 2 in one layer, applying with a trowel or squeegee.
As a sealing layer:
- 0.40-0.50 kg/m 2 in 1-2 layers.
Set 16 kg
24 hours
7 days
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